Thursday, March 10, 2005

Crowbar Headquarters Staff Update

We tend to despise all things "cutesy" here at HQ, but due to the running cleaning theme we've had going lately, we enjoyed a link that showed up yesterday in the Crowbar Inbox, entitled:

Your Computer Screen Is Looking Like It Needs A Cleaning.

This apparently came from by way of Crowbar Resistance Force Independent Affiliate, Tibby.

Cake is currently scurrying around getting ready to head to jail for the day. She's unbelievably unpleasant about this and we're starting to question her ability to keep up the charade much longer. She wastes no time letting us all know just how much she hates it there, and we've noticed that lately she can find just about any reason to postpone it, including "it's snowing", and "my nose is running". We're taking it as a sign that she needs a vacation, but all Crowbar Identities and Mission Operatives are ridiculously touchy about any suggestion that they might need a break. They seem to take it as an indication that we, the HQ Staff, are questioning their competence or something. While we are sympathetic to this reaction, we're also pretty clear that we don't want to put up with Cake's grumpiness much longer. She has a hard job, and we appreciate that, but damn it, it's a bit of a buzzkill, to tell you the truth.

We're being glared at currently, which we can only take as a hint that we should be working, so we'll check back in with you later.


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