Saturday, February 05, 2005

Come Down And We'll Give You A Cookie...

Well, it appears we may have found an antidote for Crowbar's toxin overdose. We here at HQ were getting worried - she has to go to work in half an hour and she was no closer to being able to relate or communicate. None of our other tricks this week have been effective, so we pulled out the hard stuff and started mixing up some experimental serums. It appears the antidote contains elements of the following:

The Distillers - Die On A Rope
Mudhoney - No Song III
The Misfits - I Turned Into A Martian
DOA - Fuck You
Leftover Crack - One Dead Cop
Pennywise - Go Away
DOA - I'm Right, You're Wrong
Rage Against The Machine - Killing In The Name Of
Prong - Prove You Wrong

Somewhere about halfway through the Distillers, Crowbar appeared to be showing signs of life. Her pupils started responding again during DOA, 'Fuck You'. The kicker was the Leftover Crack - it was there that we saw the reemergence of the old superhero we know and love.

We have a new problem, however. Crowbar still has to go to work and we're not sure how to get her down off the ceiling. "Prove You Wrong" is cranked and she's up there upside down, screaming, and playing air guitar. It's good to see her back to normal, but how the hell are we supposed to get her into her boots?


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