Thursday, June 09, 2005

The Dark Side Speaks (No, really!)

Weeeee're baaaaaa-aack...

I admit, faithful Resistance Force operatives, my energy has been fading. Drowning in a pool of seemingly insurmountable Dark Side(TM) power, I confess, I was starting to doubt the inevitability of victory for the Resistance Force. Weeks of silence with nary a communique from me and only ghostly cobwebs hanging in the corners of Crowbar was starting to seem all hope was lost.

And then, suddenly, the unthinkable happens. You've heard the stories about the Cake Wafit identity, whittling away at The Dark Side (TM) from within, conducting her covert activities, practicing her subterfuge, and trying to ferret out those ever-elusive hidden agents who can be lured into the Resistance Force?

Well, tonight, in a world premiere, one of them speaks on Crowbar for the first time. Meet....Dark Side (TM) Double Agent #1 - The Man In Black:

Introductory rant:
I am a member of the Dark SideTM. However on most days can relate to Crowbar in some ways. I am a stormtrooper with a conscience and am not oblivious to the massive faults and inadequecies of a system that has failed many. The same system by the way that has also designed many "support systems" designed to "aid" those it has damaged and alienated. Idiotic rationales need to be challenged, mainstream thinking is equal to not thinking.

It's too easy to follow status quo.
No really it is!!! just do the following:

Don't ask questions..Don't see anything through anothers eyes...Those with power know better than the rest of us...Sit back and read The Sun...Find a place above some other group so you feel better about your own fears and inadequacies...Lock your door..Drop your eyes and don't look around...Advertise companies on your shirts, hats, and shoes, blend in motherfuckers...Watch pharma ads without recognizing there is something wrong...Let others live your life for you through reality TV...Be fearful,let it drive you..But trust your police..Trust your government..Trust your boss..Let them think for you...If something was wrong surely we hear the real deal in the newspaper?

Even as a stormtrooper I cannot commit to the above. I like to think I am influencing a system to be better. I like to believe I am a part of something larger. An unspoken knowledge there are others fighting for change.

Many a day with bleeding tongue I would much rather pick up a crowbar

Posted by Anonymous to Crowbar at 6/8/2005 10:50:44 PM

Is it real? Yes, kids, it is. For once, this is not some crazy identity Crowbar has made up to amuse herself and is, instead, the secret line to the Dark Side's inner machinations. He's in the meetings, he collects the paycheck and, recently, he snuck Crowbar past the sentries posted at the gates.

Now none of us can know how safe this really is. The Man In Black has been helpful so far, but what if he lets the cat out of the bag on the Resistance Force's secret plans for overthrow and potentially bloody coups? It's a risk we have to run. Crowbar's in, but her back is exposed.
Stay tuned for more up-to-the-minute (or week) developments on this new and unprecedented level of Black Ops. Oh yeah, and remember: Big Brother is reading us now.


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